Described in the trial record as: Vida del Sabio Hisopo
Commentary by Pavez Ojeda: “La Vida de Esopo has a separate section of the author’s fables, although they tended to circulate together in the same edition. The biography has been attributed to the Greek Orthodox Planudes, theologian and anthologist of the fables, which he had written in the 8th century. Planudes also took on the task of retranslating to Greek the Latin versions of Fedra (the oldest known versions, Fedra had made them into Latin iambic verse, before he died in 50DC). Two manuscript versions of Vida de Esopo survived, known as Vita W (the base for the medieval vernacular translations) and Vita G. (the oldest and most complete, discovered later).[1] There are four printed versions, all printed before 1501: an incomplete version (Zaragoza, 1482); a first complete version: Esopete ystoriado (Toulouse, 1488)[2]; a second one: Esta es la vida del ysopet con sus fabulas hystoriadas (Zaragoza, 1489)[3]; and a third one: Libro del Ysopo famoso fablador historiado en romançe (Burgos: Fadrique Aleman de Basilea, 1496), which includes the complete published fables from 1476-1477 between Heinrich Steinhöwel. In the centuries that followed, various new editions followed:
La vida y fábulas del clarissimo y sabio fabulador Ysopo, nueuamente emendadas, Antwerp: Juan Steelsio, 1541?,
Libro de la vida y fábulas del sabio y clarísimo fabulador Isopo, Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1657,
Libro de la vida y fábulas del sabio fabulador Isopo con las fábulas y sentencias de (Aviano) diversos y grandes autores, Valencia, corregido y enmendado, 1677.” (Pavez Ojeda, 756-757)
[1] Both have been published: Perry 35-107.
[2] Republished by Victoria A. Burrus & Harriet Goldberg.
[3] Emilio Cotarelo y Mori (ed.) 1929. – Fábulas de Esopo -, fascimile reproduction of the first edition from 1489 of Vida…, Madrid: Real Academia Española. Here one can find a list of the Spanish editions of the fables until the Cervantes era. See Introduction, p. xx–xxvi.
Google Books provides access to the 1541? Antwerp edition as well as a 1813 edition published in Segovia and Madrid.